Friday, December 30, 2022

A Gallery of beautiful things

Unwatered trial garden in Fruita. 
Gomphrena surprising everyone.

Four-month-old seeded habitat meadow

Patridge pea, Chamaecrista fasciculata, is new to me- a native annual. 
You should see the flowers.

Nature still looks amazing even when it is wrecked land mostly clothed in invasives.

A newly Built crevice in Grand Junction, 
Mesa Verde Formation Sandstone.

crevice reno in vail

The silver leaves are Zauschneria/Epilobium 'Calistoga' which wove well between clumps and tussocks.

A designed meadow- from plants and not seed, 
with the best instal I've ever done of Dogtuff grass; this is just four months old.

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