Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Posterior Fetish

Posterior and ventral, or adaxial sides of flowers, that is.

I like looking at flower's rear-ends.

The backs of flowers have a lot to offer the viewer, like Astragalus purshii and her artsy white dot; it reminds me of the bindi worn in southern asia.

Note the delicate way the hairy sepals (the green bits) lightly embrace the smooth purple petals.  
This is Phacelia crenulata var. corrugata.

It's a widespread annual/biennial of the spring desert, as seen on Highway 50 between Delta and Grand Junction, CO.

Sundrops are also having a good spring. Calylophus lavandulifolius.  (Little Park Rd, Grand Junction, CO) Note the harlequin-striped sepals that back these lemony flowers- and how those flowers shift to orange as they die.  A morbid-circus theme. Kinky.

Gilia subnuda (Thanks John Stireman.) is my current heart-throb with whom I have my current eyeball-trysts in the crevice garden. It's species name means "almost-naked." That's sexy.  It opens pinkish red from ember-red, but don't miss the golden base of the tubular flowers as they emerge from green sepals.

And a floral booty-check is exactly why I grow the night-blooming Watson's Phlox:  Leptodactylon watsonii.  She's less shy at night, when her flowers open wide and white.


Panayoti Kelaidis said...

Very cool pics of very cool plants. I grew subnuda for years--a gem. And the watsonii is to die for (figuratively of course)...

Kenton J. Seth said...

Usually the plant is the one that dies... over and over... till usccess!